Sunday, March 2, 2014

Spring is coming!!!

So, it seems that Spring and warmer weather are rounding the bend! I am so excited for warmer weather, I really don't like the cold. Are you all excited for Spring? What is your favorite season?

   Today we visited a library we hadn't been to yet. It was a small building in width, but fairly tall. You would go to a different level depending on what you were looking for. Fiction? Second floor. Reference? Third floor. Non-Fiction? Fourth floor! So each floor is designated to a different type! Have you ever been in a library like that?
   Tomorrow I have co-op! I so excited for Book Club, as well as an After-Classes Choir workshop! What are some of your favorite extra-curricular activities?
    Tonight I expect I'll just rest up, read Breakaway by Jeff Hirsch, drink some tea or coffee, maybe write a couple letters. It'll be a nice way to stay warm and cozy in this cold weather while I wait for Spring! What books are you reading right now?

                                             ~Katie Stone~


  1. I actually adore cold weather...I can bundle up in my sweatshirts and jeans. :D That library sounds AWESOME!! My library only has two floors (kids and adults) so four floors is pretty impressive. :) And I'm currently reading The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. So far it's okay, I've only read the first five pages though. :P Do you get Spring Break?

  2. I'm never warm in Winter, no matter how much I bundle up. :-/ My old library had two floors, one for books, one for checkouts plus a community room. I have heard a LOT about The Book Thief, is it good? I don't get Spring break this year because we moved in October, and didn't start school until a couple weeks after we moved, so we'll even be doing some school into Summer a bit. However, I've been doubling up, because I don't want to still be doing school by my birthday, June 8th.
