Sunday, October 19, 2014

Look and See

So, I just went to the mall today with my family, and I have a question for you.
              How many times do you look, and not see?
    I know, you think that's a dumb question, "Look but don't see, what does that mean?" you may be thinking. I mean it though. So many people walk through the store, and the mall, whatever. You look at people, you might even smile at them! What I want to know though, is if you really see them? A week or so ago, I went to Dollar Tree. My cashier's name was Amy, and she had red hair, "So what, anyone can remember that!" you say, but I'm not finished. She had tired eyes. She works hard. She has seen hard times, and she's made it through many of them, though not without some remembrance of the struggle staying with her. Do you think my cashier just stood there and spilled her heart our to me? Nope. She didn't say ANY of those things. No, I'm not some super creepy person that gets inside your head. I just see. I looked at that woman, and I didn't see her name tag and her red hair alone. I saw her struggles. I saw her weariness, and I saw her strength. 
    Today, my challenge to you is that next time you go to the store, or the mall, or wherever, notice people. Come back here, and tell me not just what they look like, but something about them you realized by looking and seeing. Obviously you don' know a person, or what they are truly like just by looking, but that may be the start to fixing a society that has simply stopped caring whether other people have or are going through a struggle. This may be the beginning to reminding people of one of the many reasons life is so precious.
