Every day, if we take a look around, or talk to any person on the street, we will hear so many "truths". It seems that everyone has their own version of truth, Jesus, God, and "god". Have you ever noticed that a lot of Christians like to hide in a corner, and never face being challenged? The reason is usually that we are afraid. Our beliefs are becoming less and less popular. More people these days are going one of two ways 1. There is no God, or 2. We are all gods and goddesses. In America, we have become so accustomed to the idea of "freedom" that we don’t like the idea that someone actually has power over us. People want things their own way, and they don’t want to be challenged, so they despise Christians. When you know you will probably be spat on, it’s easy to go hide. However, when we gave our lives to Jesus, we didn’t choose the easy route. He didn’t say, "Follow me and you’ll get sunshine and rainbows! Nobody will ever give you a hard time, and everyone you talk to will believe in me!" Nuh uh, nope. This is the hard route. This is where the children of darkness spit upon you. This is where Satan tempts you. This is where you will suffer. This is where you will be ridiculed, and hated. Here on earth it will be hard, but it will truly be worth it. Now, why are we hiding? We have been given the chance to go into the world and spread the truth! I know that even if I ever only lead one person to Christ, it will be worth it. Oh to see the beauty of a saved soul! They are wounded and afflicted, yet they do not know it! Oh to be the person to help spread that blessed healing salve upon their wounds! Oh to see them finally taste the sweetness of mercy, forgiveness, and true love! I would rather be tormented, and go speak the truth, even if I never saw someone come to Christ by my efforts. Than to hide, and forever wonder, "If I had gone out there, could I have made a difference?" So, what will you choose to do?
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